Insuring your home

Know more about how GIO can help keep your home and contents covered so you and your family can relax.

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11 tips for renting in Australia

Renting in Australia? Whether it’s your first rental or you’re looking to increase your chances, stay in the know with GIO as we reveal 11 tips for rental success in Australia.

A guide to preventative home maintenance

Keep your home in top shape with GIO's home maintenance checklist – your guide to a well-maintained home.

Accidental damage at home coverage explained

Want to know more about accidental damage insurance? Learn about GIO's accidental damage at home coverage today.

Does your home insurance cover public liability?

Included with your home insurance, public liability can cover your legal liability if someone injures themselves on your property. Learn more.

Will home & contents insurance cover a home office?

If your home doubles as an office, it’s important to know if both aspects are covered. Find out whether a home office is covered under your home and contents policy.

Do I need to insure my new home before settlement?

The question of when to insure a new property is a tricky one – and the answer can change between each state and territory. Here’s what you need to know to avoid underinsurance.

4 ways to reduce your home insurance premium

Don’t make buying home insurance a grudge. Feel confident you can get the best value out of your premium while staying covered.

Are water leaks covered by home and contents insurance?

Water flows through your home in many ways. Learn more about what should you do if a leak happens and if it’ll be covered by your home and contents insurance.

What’s the difference between strata insurance and home building insurance?

Do I need building and strata insurance? What’s the difference between the two? Learn the difference between home insurance and strata insurance.

How to insure your portable valuables

Your portable valuables, like jewellery, phones, cameras and more, can be lost or damaged anywhere – not just at home. Make sure your insurance covers them.

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