On the road

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How to check your car registration status

Did you know you can check your vehicle registration status online? Here are some handy links to help you check the rego of vehicles in your state.

How to check if your tyres are roadworthy

Check your tyres to see if they meet the legal safety requirements and learn how to keep them in good condition so you can avoid having to replace them prematurely. Use a simple of rule of thumb to do a quick check.egistration status online? Here are some handy links to help you check the rego of vehicles in your state.

What to do when buying a used car

Buying a used car? Don’t take the plunge before you read our handy guide — we cover everything from where to buy, to how to negotiate.

4 car maintenance tips that can save you in the long run

Need some tips on maintaining your car? Here’s what you can do to keep your wheels in working order.

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