Workers compensation insurance
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Certificate of Currency
A Certificate of Currency provides confirmation of a current WA workers compensation policy and is valid for up to 12 months from the date of issue or until the policy expiry date, whichever occurs first.
Renew your policy
Renewal Offer
You’ll receive a renewal offer prior to the expiry date of your current GIO Workers Compensation Policy, so keep an eye out for this.
Submit Estimated Wages
To renew your policy, complete and submit your Declaration of Estimated Remuneration Form, found in our Forms and Guides or go to the WorkCover WA website. This estimate is used to calculate your premium and is to be returned by email or mail before your current policy expires.
Mail: GIO Workers Compensation, GPO Box B50, Perth WA 6838
Renewal Documents and Certificate of Currency
GIO will issue your renewal documents and provide a copy of your Certificate of Currency.
Provide Actual Wages
Next, complete and submit your Declaration of Actual Remuneration Form, found in our Forms and Guides or go to the WorkCover WA website. This form is used to provide the total actual remuneration you have paid during the previous policy period and is to be returned by email or mail within 30 days after your policy expires.
Download Policy Documents & Forms
Find your policy documents, like your Remuneration/Wage Declaration forms, Policy Wordings, Privacy Statements and more.
Find useful Workers Compensation Resources
GIO offer a comprehensive range of training courses and webinars designed to improve workplace health and safety.
Prevent workplace injuries & reduce associated costs
Did you know that GIO Workers Compensation policy holders can access free or discounted training courses?
A worker may be entitled to compensation for an injury or disease that occurs/arises:
- during the course of employment; or,
- by an accident arising out of employment.
‘Remuneration’ means the aggregate amount of wages, salary, or other remuneration to be paid to your Workers.
It depends on whether the contractor or sub-contractor is defined as a ‘worker’.
Australian Capital Territory
What are you looking for?
Certificate of Currency
A Certificate of Currency provides confirmation of a current ACT workers compensation policy. You can request a Certificate of Currency online.
Renew your policy
Renewal Offer
You’ll receive a renewal offer prior to the expiry date of your current GIO Workers Compensation Policy, so keep an eye out for this.
Submit Estimated Wages
To renew your policy, complete and submit your Estimated Wages Declaration Form. This estimate is used to calculate your premium and is to be returned by email or mail before your current policy expires.
Fax: 1300 725 840
Mail: GIO Workers Compensation, PO Box 52, Woden ACT 2606
Renewal Documents and Certificate of Currency
GIO will issue your renewal documents and provide a copy of your Certificate of Currency.
Provide Actual Wages
Next, you’ll need to complete the Declaration of Actual Wages Form, to provide the total actual wages you have paid during the previous policy period. This form is to be returned to GIO within 30 days of your policy expiring via email or mail.
Download Policy Documents & Forms
Find your policy documents, like your Remuneration/Wage Declaration forms, Policy Wordings, Privacy Statements and more.
Find useful Workers Compensation Resources
GIO offer a comprehensive range of training courses and webinars designed to improve workplace health and safety.
Prevent workplace injuries & reduce associated costs
Did you know that GIO Workers Compensation policy holders can access free or discounted training courses?
How are Workers Compensation premiums calculated?
We’ll use the wage information given in your ACT Declaration of Estimated Wages to calculate your premium.
Additional factors taken into consideration when calculating GIO Workers Compensation Insurance premiums include:
- industry type
- cost of previous workers compensation claims associated with the business
- claims history
- applicable government charges.
At the term expiry, your premium will be adjusted based on the information provided in your ACT Actual Wages Declaration Form . If your actual wages are lower than your estimated wages for the policy period, you may be entitled to a refund for that portion of the premium. If your actual wages are higher than your estimated wages, you’ll need to pay the extra premium.
What is a common law claim?
A common law claim is a claim for damages in which it’s necessary for the worker to prove 'fault' in the form of negligence or breach of statutory duty on the part of the employer. A Workers Compensation policy will often also cover liability for any work related 'common law' claims by employees. The extent to which a worker may bring a common law claim varies from state to state or territory.
What is the difference between a ‘recurrence’ and an ‘aggravation’ of an injury?
A "recurrence" is when the symptoms of a previous injury recur spontaneously, without any external cause. This would result in the "old" claim being reopened. An "aggravation" is when symptoms of a pre-existing injury are increased by a new and definable event.
What are you looking for?
Certificate of Currency
A Certificate of Currency provides confirmation of a current workers compensation policy and is valid for up to 12 months from the date of issue or until the policy expiry date, whichever occurs first. You can request a Certificate of Currency online..
Renew your policy
Renewal Offer
You’ll receive a renewal offer prior to the expiry date of your current GIO Workers Compensation Policy, so keep an eye out for this.
Submit Estimated Wages
To renew your policy, complete and submit your Estimated Wages Declaration Form. This estimate is used to calculate your premium and is to be returned by email or mail before your current policy expires.
Fax: 1300 725 840
Mail: GIO Workers Compensation, PO Box 52, Woden ACT 2606
Renewal Documents and Certificate of Currency
GIO will issue your renewal documents and provide a copy of your Certificate of Currency.
Provide Actual Wages
Next, you’ll need to complete the Declaration of Actual Wages Form, to provide the total actual wages you have paid during the previous policy period. This form is to be returned to GIO within 30 days of your policy expiring via email or mail.
Download Policy Documents & Forms
Find your policy documents, like your Remuneration/Wage Declaration forms, Policy Wordings, Privacy Statements and more.
Find useful Workers Compensation Resources
GIO offer a comprehensive range of training courses and webinars designed to improve workplace health and safety.
Prevent workplace injuries & reduce associated costs
Did you know that GIO Workers Compensation policy holders can access free or discounted training courses?
What medical expenses are covered by a workers compensation claim?
Generally, the worker’s reasonable and necessary medical expenses are covered for up to one year after their entitlement to weekly compensation payments ends. However, the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal (Tribunal) has the power to extend the employer’s liability for medical expenses in a number of circumstances.
Medical expenses may include:
- Costs associated with pharmaceutical, ambulance, hospital, nursing, rehabilitation or constant attendance services.
- Examination or treatment by medical practitioners, physiotherapists, dentists, opticians, chiropractors, osteopaths, etc.
- Reimbursement of the injured worker’s reasonable travelling expenses in connection with medical appointments. Travel involving a motor vehicle is reimbursed at the rate set down in the Tasmanian State Service Award.
Even if a new claim is yet to be accepted - pending further information - an employer is usually expected to meet the cost of a worker’s medical and rehabilitation expenses, up to a limit of $5,000.
Accounts for medical expenses must be forwarded by the worker to their employer within 7 days of receipt, and similarly by the employer to their insurer within 7 days of receipt.
Can workers compensation benefits be altered or stopped?
If an employer or worker wants to question the weekly compensation payment rate, a referral needs to be made to the Tribunal asking for a review. Some types of referrals have time limits and must come with certain documents.
An employer may reduce or stop a worker’s weekly payments only when:
The worker has returned to work.
- The worker is receiving more than the weekly payment (payment above compensation).
- A medical practitioner examines the worker and certifes they’ve wholly or substantially recovered from the work injury.
- The Tribunal determines payment should be either reduced, stopped or, in some cases, increased.
- If there’s a change in the ordinary hourly rate of pay during a period of incapacity, the weekly payment should be increased or decreased by that amount.
If an employer intends to stop weekly compensation payments altogether, they usually need medical reasons for doing so and must advise the worker in writing ten days beforehand.
Do I need to notify WorkSafe Tasmania if a worker is injured?
Yes, the employer must notify WorkSafe Tasmania as soon as possible if any of the following incidents have occurred in the workplace:
- a death, or
- someone suffers a serious injury or illness, or
- a dangerous incident.
Electric shocks must also be reported to TasNetworks on 13 20 04.
To contact WorkSafe Tasmania from Tasmania, call 1300 366 322. Outside Tasmania, call 03 6166 4600.
For more information in respect to the definition of a serious injury or illness, and a dangerous incident contact WorkSafe Tasmania.
An employer has 48 hours, to complete and lodge an Incident Notification Form online.
What are you looking for?
Certificate of Currency
A Certificate of Currency provides confirmation of a current workers compensation policy and is valid for up to 12 months from the date of issue or until the policy expiry date, whichever occurs first. You can request a Certificate of Currency online.
Renew your policy
Renewal Offer
You’ll receive a renewal offer prior to the expiry date of your current GIO Workers Compensation Policy, so keep an eye out for this.
Submit Estimated Wages
To renew your policy, complete and submit your Estimated Wages Declaration Form. This estimate is used to calculate your premium and is to be returned by email or mail before your current policy expires.
Fax: 1300 684 467
Mail: GIO Workers Compensation, GPO Box 377, Darwin NT 0801.
Renewal Documents and Certificate of Currency
GIO will issue your renewal documents and provide a copy of your Certificate of Currency.
Provide Actual Wages
Next, you’ll need to complete the Declaration of Actual Wages Form, to provide the total actual wages you have paid during the previous policy period. This form is to be returned to GIO within 30 days of your policy expiring via email or mail.
Download Policy Documents & Forms
Find your policy documents, like your Remuneration/Wage Declaration forms, Policy Wordings, Privacy Statements and more.
Find useful Workers Compensation Resources
GIO offer a comprehensive range of training courses and webinars designed to improve workplace health and safety.
Prevent workplace injuries & reduce associated costs
Did you know that GIO Workers Compensation policy holders can access free or discounted training courses?
How are Workers Compensation premiums calculated?
We’ll use the wage information given in your Declaration of Estimated Wages to calculate your premium.
Additional factors taken into consideration when calculating GIO Workers Compensation Insurance premiums include:
- industry type
- cost of previous workers compensation claims associated with the business
- claims history
- applicable government charges.
At the term expiry, your premium will be adjusted based on the information provided in your Declaration of Actual Wages Form. If your actual wages are lower than your estimated wages for the policy period, you may be entitled to be refunded for that portion of the premium. If your actual wages are higher than your estimated wages, you’ll need to pay the extra premium.
Is Business Insurance covered under my GIO Workers Compensation policy?
No, Business Insurance is a different type of insurance to Workers Compensation. Business Insurance offers a variety of covers including Commercial Vehicle, Public Liability and property damage for your stock, contents and buildings.
How do I pay for my Workers Compensation Insurance policy?
GIO offers easy and convenient payment options for NT employers, including online, BPAY, general mail or by calling 13 10 10.
What are you looking for?
NSW Workers Compensation policies are now issued and renewed by icare Workers Insurance.
To obtain a policy, certificate of currency, or for questions about payment options, wage audits or an existing policy, visit the icare website or contact icare’s Customer Support Centre on 13 44 22.
Download Policy Documents & Forms
Find your policy documents, like your Remuneration/Wage Declaration forms, Policy Wordings, Privacy Statements and more.
Find useful Workers Compensation Resources
GIO offer a comprehensive range of training courses and webinars designed to improve workplace health and safety.
Prevent workplace injuries & reduce associated costs
Did you know that GIO Workers Compensation policy holders can access free or discounted training courses?
GIO is an agent appointed by icare to deliver workers compensation claims management services to employers and workers in NSW.
If you are a small employer, your premium will not be impacted by the costs of your workers compensation claims. If you are a medium or large employer, however, your premium will be impacted.